Work & projects

CBRE Finland Oy / Kamppi Helsinki shopping centre

Outsourced marketing services. Social media content production and marketing campaigns. 


Nordic Wellness Group Oy / Nordic Fit Mama online courses for mothers

Outsourced CMO & Business development consultant: Data driven marketing in every step of the customer journey.  Sales campaigns and email marketing. Nordic Fit Mama website and marketing materials / visuals. More than 100% sales increase within 12 months.


Telakka Workwear / Added Value Design Oy

Marketing Project: Marketing Strategy & execution, opening new online store, social media campaigns


Hienopuuseppä Jari Karppinen

Marketing strategy for Lyyti stool & Online store (


Taloushallinta Uniikki Oy

Marketing projects (Uniikki Lab sales start-up, marketing videos, social media strategy & content)


Personal Shopper Ulla Hirvas
Marketing support (Digital marketing & website update)

"Astan avulla olen saanut työlleni näkyvyyttä ja ennen kaikkea uusia asiakkaita! Aion jatkossakin kääntyä Astan puoleen asioissa, joissa omat taitoni ja aikani ei riitä! Astalla riittää ideoita ja kun yksin tekee, niin todella ihanaa, kun on ”toiset aivot” välillä kaverina." - Ulla Hirvas


Gaiam yoga & wellness products

Sales partner for Finland 
Opening the sales at S Group / Prisma - the largest distribution chain in Finland.


Lavli living room concept store

Lavli living room – A wellness concept store (250m2) in the heart of Helsinki comprised: Lorna Jane activewear shop, boutique training classes, speakers, wellness events, a space for private and business functions, temporary art exhibitions, tea bar, work space and lounge to chill out and gather. As well as serving consumers, it served companies by offering them market place.

Lavli living room was designed, created, managed and operated almost solely by me because of the lack of resources.

"Paikka näyttää, tuntuu ja tuoksuu ihanalta! Uskomaton rohkeus ja intohimo luo tälläistä! En voi kuin nostaa hattua ja inspiroitua." - Saara

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